Superior Court of Yuba
CCRC - Online Orientation
Prior to attending Child Custody Recommending Counseling (CCRC), you must complete this online Orientation program.
Self-Help Center
Yuba County Superior Court has a number of self-help resources to assist self-represented litigants.
Court Calendar
Access hearings and retrieve hearing lists (calendars) through our Public Portal.
File @ Home
Filing Your Case from Home is as simple as answering online questions.
Probate Notes
The Probate Notes represent staff’s recommendations to the Court, and are not tentative rulings.
Can't Afford to Pay Your Citation?
If you cannot pay the full amount of an infraction fine, you may ask the Court to reduce the amount you owe based on your ability to pay using an online tool.
Restraining Orders
If you are looking for guided assistance with filing a restraining order online, please select the restraining order type below:
Domestic Violence Restraining Order
Domestic Violence Restraining Orders can be filed using a step-by-step interview system, Guide and File, to complete your forms and file them with the court.
Gun Violence Restraining Order
Gun Violence Restraining Orders can be filed using a step-by-step interview system, Guide and File, to complete your forms and file them with the court.
Restraining Orders
More information about restraining orders and how the Court's Self-Help center can assist.
News, Updates & Notices
Jan 04, 2022
New Requirements for Remote Appearances in Civil Cases
Aug 15, 2018
Standing Order Regarding Use Of Recording And Photography Devices In Courthouse Facilities.
Mar 09, 2025
Mar 09, 2025
Superior Court of California, County of Yuba
215 Fifth Street, Suite 200
Marysville, CA 95901
United States

Our Mission
The judiciary shall, in a fair, accessible, effective, and efficient manner, resolve disputes arising under the law; and shall interpret and apply the law consistently, impartially, and independently to protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution of the State of California and the Constitution of the United States.
Online Court Appearance
If You Are Scheduled To Appear in court in a civil matter and would like to appear by Video (Zoom), please complete the Required Forms found at the Judicial Council of California's website by Clicking Here, and submit them for filing. For more information, contact the Court at 530-740-1800.