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Prospective jurors are never contacted by email or telephone for failure to serve jury duty.

Anyone who receives an email or telephone call demanding payment or personal information is asked to contact their local law enforcement agency to file a report and the Yuba County Jury Department at 530-740-1890.

If you are sick

and are charged with a felony, you are expected to appear via Zoom, unless you are in the hospital.  You should contact your attorney or the clerk’s office for the Zoom information and not miss your court date.  

Restraining Orders

Assistance available at the Self-Help Center includes domestic violence restraining order instructional packets, limited individual assistance and document checks of your completed forms. Some help may also be available for victims of domestic violence through Casa De Esperanza at (530) 674-5400.



    There are several types of restraining orders: domestic violence, civil harassment, workplace violence, gun violence, elder or dependent adult abuse, and school violence. This page contains information about domestic violence and gun violence restraining orders. Find information about the other types of restraining orders on the California Courts website.

    The Self-Help website for the State of California has additional helpful information.

    Domestic Violence

    A domestic violence restraining order is a court order that helps protect people from abuse and/or threats of abuse from someone they know.

    Abuse is defined as any of the following:

    • Physically hurting or trying to hurt someone intentionally or recklessly
    • Sexual assault
    • Threats or promises to harm someone
    • Harassment, stalking, disturbing someone's peace, or destroying someone's personal property

    A Restraining Order can order the restrained person to:

    • Refrain from contacting or approaching you, your children, your relatives, or others who live with you
    • Stay away from your home, work, or your children’s schools
    • Move out of your house (even if you live together)
    • Forfeit the right to own or possess a gun
    • Follow child custody and visitation orders
    • Pay certain bills, child support, spousal or partner support
    • Stay away from your pets
    • Release or return certain property

    Filing Instructions

    The forms that you need to file a domestic violence restraining order are available online or are available free at the Family Law Division or Self-Help Center of the Yuba County Superior Court.

    The person seeking protection will need to fill out the forms and bring them to the court for filing, or file them electronically online. Once filed, if the protected person is asking for temporary orders (orders that are in effect between now and the time of the hearing) the forms will be given to the judge for review and the judge will make a decision whether all or some of the orders will be granted. A court date will be set a few weeks out and the restrained party will need to be served with both the request for the restraining order and any temporary orders that have been issued. The protected party must show up for the court date in order to ask for any temporary restraining orders to be continued, or to ask for a more permanent order.

    Self-Help Instructions

    There are self-help binders available, free of charge, in the Self-Help Center located on the third floor of the Yuba County Superior Court. These binders include instructions that will aid you in filling out the forms to ask the Court for a domestic violence restraining order.

    Gun Violence

    A gun violence restraining order is a court order that can stop someone from having, owning, or buying any firearms (guns), firearm parts, ammunition, or magazines. 

    What can a gun violence restraining order do?

    A judge can grant a gun violence restraining order to stop someone from having, owning, or buying any firearms (guns), firearm parts, ammunition, or magazines. Once an order is granted by a judge, the police can be called to enforce the order and the restrained person will have to turn in any firearms or ammunition they have. 

    How do I ask for a gun violence restraining order?

    Only certain people can ask for a gun violence restraining order if they think someone is dangerous and should be restricted from having or buying firearms and ammunition, including: 

    • Law enforcement officer or agency
    • The person's immediate family member, including a spouse, parent, child, grandparent, or any other person who regularly lives with them now or lived with them in the last 6 months 
    • The person's employer
    • The person's co-worker who has regular contact with the person and has worked with them for at least a year, and has the employer’s permission to ask for this restraining order 
    • An employee or teacher at a school that the person has gone to in the last six months, who has permission from a school administrator or staff supervisor

    Filing Instructions

    The forms that you need to file a gun violence restraining order are available online or are available for free at the Civil Division of the Yuba County Superior Court.

    The person, or agency, seeking the restraining order will need to fill out the forms and bring them to the court for filing, or file them electronically online. Once filed, if the petitioner is asking for temporary orders (orders that are in effect between now and the time of the hearing) the forms will be given to the judge for review and the judge will make a decision whether all or some of the orders will be granted. A court date will be set a few weeks out and the responding party will need to be served with both the request for the restraining order and any temporary orders that have been issued. The petitioner must show up for the court date in order to ask for any temporary restraining orders to be continued, or to ask for a more permanent order.

    Remote Appearances on Restraining Orders

    A party or witness may appear remotely at the hearing on a petition for a gun violence or domestic violence restraining order. Pursuant to local rules of court, notice shall be given by completing the form RA-010 Notice of Remote Appearance. One court day notice shall be given.


    Yuba County Courthouse
    215 Fifth Street, Suite 318
    Marysville, CA 95901

    Office Hours
    8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Monday through Friday

    By Phone:
    (530) 740-1817

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