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Prospective jurors are never contacted by email or telephone for failure to serve jury duty.

Anyone who receives an email or telephone call demanding payment or personal information is asked to contact their local law enforcement agency to file a report and the Yuba County Jury Department at 530-740-1890.


Self Help Information

Yuba County Superior Court has a number of self-help resources to assist self-represented litigants. In addition, there are a number of resources that are available outside the court.

File @ Home

Filing Your Case from Home is as simple as answering online questions.  You can print your documents and file at the court or eFile your documents, even if you have a fee-waiver.  Click on the button below to get started.

File at Home

Self-Help Services

The following key Self-Help Services are available.

  • Self-Help Center

    The Self-Help Center offers self-help manuals, computer access to online applications for filling out forms.  Also, the workshops are offered by the Self-Help Attorney/Family Law Facilitator.  

  • Family Law Facilitator/Self-Help Attorney

    The Family Law Facilitator/Self-Help Attorney is an attorney who can provide assistance to you in representing yourself in child support and family law matters.  

  • Self-Help Resources

    Self-help resources available outside of the Court.  Click on the button below to learn more.

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