Family Court Services
Family Court Services Information
Family Court Services provides a Child Custody Recommending Counseling (CCRC) program for families with custody and visitation disputes, and a supervised visitation program for non-custodial parents.
Family Court Services also processes child support cases filed by the Department of Child Support Services.
The Self-Help Attorney/Family Law Facilitator provides assistance for self-represented litigants in family law, parentage, and child support cases.
Child Custody and Visitation
By law, all matters pertaining to child custody or visitation disputes must be heard in CCRC before the court may render a decision. When a case that involves those issues is filed, both an orientation session and a CCRC session are scheduled at Family Court Services.
The Family Court Services Division, located on the 3rd floor of the Yuba County Courthouse, 215 5th Street, Marysville, CA, provides orientation, CCRC, and investigations for all contested child custody and visitation disputes in Yuba County. The objective is to assure the child(ren) have frequent and continuing contact with both parents when they no longer live together.
CCRC is for parents only. No other individuals such as attorneys, new spouse, or fiancé can be present. When there are allegations of Domestic Violence, a support person for the alleged victim may be present in the room but may not comment or participate in CCRC.
If an agreement is not reached through CCRC, the CCRC Counselor will make a recommendation to the Court.
About Mediation
The purpose of CCRC is to assist parents in reaching a parenting plan for sharing their child(ren).
During the CCRC, parents communicate to the mediator their ideas as to custody and visitation schedules that will be in the best interest of their child(ren).
The CCRC Counselor will help to facilitate an agreement on the parents. The CCRC Counselor will intervene when the ideas of parents are in conflict of promoting an agreement between the parents for sharing their child(ren).
Parties do not have to reach an agreement in CCRC; they are entitled to a hearing before a judge if necessary.
Either party can request the CCRC process stop at any time.
The CCRC Counselor will be impartial at all times and present only professional points of view to the parents. The CCRC Counselor will not give legal advice to either parent.
Mediation gives parents the opportunity to create a parenting plan for the care of their children after separation.
Mediation and CCRC Forms
Each party ordered to attend mediation, must complete a Mediation Questionnaire/ CCRC Information Sheet prior to attending mediation. Please click the link below to access the fillable form and provide a copy to Family Court Services prior to your mediation date.
Mediation Questionnaire/ CCRC Information Sheet
To proceed to the Online Orientation, click on the button below.
For additional information regarding the mediation process you may wish to watch the video below. PLEASE NOTE – this will not satisfy your requirement for online orientation.
Child-Custody Investigations
If there are concerns regarding the health or safety of the child(ren), the judge may choose to order a child-custody investigation by the Family Court Services Division.